1 | 数学探究Mathematical Inquiry |
2 | 师范高等微积分学及应用Advanced Calculus and Applications for Educators |
3 | 师范抽象代数Abstract Algebra for Educators |
4 | 微积分教学中数学分析元素的应用Elements of Mathematical Analysis with Applications in the Teaching of Calculus |
5 | 数论和算数教学Number Theory and the Teaching of Arithmetic |
6 | 统计推理Statistical Reasoning for Educators |
7 | 离散数学及问题解决Discrete Mathematics and Problem Solving |
8 | 几何学及其教学Geometry and the Teaching of Geometry |
9 | 计算与编程技术Computing and Programming Techniques |
10 | 实分析Real Analysis |
11 | 泛函分析Functional Analysis |
12 | 交换和非交换代数Commutative and Noncommutative Algebra |
13 | 应用代数专题Topics in Applied Algebra |
14 | 微分方程理论和应用Theory and Applications of Differential Equations |
15 | 应用数学进阶技巧Advanced Techniques in Applied Mathematics |