1 | 辅导理论和技巧Theories and Techniques of Counselling |
2 | 心理评估Psychological Assessment |
3 | 应用心理学研究方法Research Methods in Applied Psychology |
4 | 应用心理学统计分析Statistics in Applied Psychology |
5 | 心理测量Psychological Testing |
6 | 高级辅导技巧Advanced Counselling Skills |
7 | 整个人生跨度上的心理障碍Psychological Disorderes Across the Life Span |
8 | 认知行为的管理和干预措施Cognitive-Behavioural Management and Interventions |
9 | 小组动力学及辅导Group Dynamics and Counselling |
10 | 心理辅导:跨文化的应用Counselling: Application across Cultures |
11 | 家庭和婚姻辅导Family and Marital Counselling |
12 | 职业评估和辅导Vocational Assessment and Career Counselling |
13 | 针对特殊需要的心理干预Psychoeducational Intervention for Special Needs |
14 | 教育心理学实习Practicum in Educational Psychology |
15 | 辅导心理学实习Practicum in Counselling Psychology |