The application cannot be considered without an official transcript of academic records submitted by your university. This transcript must bear the stamp of your university and the name and signature of the Registrar or authorised person.
Subject to the rules governing your university, the transcript should include: Date of enrolment, A list of all subjects taken (with dates), and the grades obtained in each subject, Full title of degree and short title of degree (e.g. B.Eng./B.E./B.Sc./B.S.) awarded and date of conferment, Rank in class, Interpretation or explanation of the grades, marks or scores.
If the transcript is in a language other than English, please provide an official translation.
DO NOT RETURN TO APPLICANT. Please mail the official transcript and this Transcript Request Form direct to the following address in an official sealed envelope with its flap bearing the security seal of the University and the signature of the Registrar or his/her representative (with the designation indicated on the envelope).
Personal Statement:
Research Proposal of at least two pages on A4-size paper
Recommendation Letter:
Recommendations from two Academic Referees are to be submitted (Note: Please download the Academic Referee Report form template and request your referees to return the completed forms to the School in a SEALED envelope, with its opening bearing their signatures across it.)
Copy of Publication(s) :
if any
Other Document(s) :
International applicants who are not applying for our Research Scholarship or have indicated their wish to be considered for admission in the event that their Research Scholarship application is unsuccessful, must submit documentary evidence of their ability to support their study (e.g. a bank statement) indicating the availability of funding of at least S$35,000* or its equivalent. *Note: This amount may be subject to change at the discretion of the University/School o Applicants who are sponsored by individual/organization should submit a documentary proof of the sponsorship o Applicants who are working in Singapore and applying for part-time admission should submit a copy of their recent pay-slip o