Please submit an official transcript from your undergraduate degree-granting institution to the Rackham School of Graduate Studies (address below), an administrative body that oversees many graduate departments at the University of Michigan. Rackham will certify your transcripts.
Uploading a scanned version of your transcript with your online application is strongly recommended. You may also upload additional transcripts from any other institution you attended. Please note: A transcript from your degree-granting institution is required, and your application may not be reviewed if this transcript is not received by the deadline.
Rackham Mailing Address:
University of Michigan
Rackham Graduate School
Attn: Transcripts/U-M ID# (if known) or Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
915 E. Washington Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1070
Curriculum Vitae:
A current resume or curriculum vitae must be submitted. Applicants who apply online should attach this under the section asking for a resume. Please do not confuse this with your statement of purpose, two separate documents must be submitted. The resume is uploaded on page 13 of the application under the section titled Additional Information.
Personal Statement:
The Academic Statement of Purpose should be a concise essay about your professional and academic goals (500 words). The admissions committee is interested in how this graduate program will help you meet your career and educational objectives. The academic statement is uploaded on page 12 of the application under the section titled Program-Specific Information.
Recommendation Letter:
Letters of recommendation
Three letters of recommendation are required and should reflect the academic and, if relevant, job capabilities and experience of the applicant. We encourage applicants to submit letters of recommendation electronically— please see the online application for instructions. Hard copy letters of recommendation are also accepted and should be mailed directly to the Ford School of Public Policy (see address below).
Ford School Mailing Address:
MPP/MPA Admissions Office
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
University of Michigan
2245 Weill Hall
735 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-3091
Personal Statement :
A Personal Statement is also required for all applicants (500 words). This statement is meant to convey how your personal background and life experiences, including social, cultural, familial, educational, or other opportunities or challenges, motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree. The personal statement is uploaded on page 13 of the application under the section titled Additional Information.