Mechanical Engineering will accept scanned official transcripts with the online application. ME will use the transcripts for a preliminary review of your application before Rackham receives your official transcript. However, please note that Rackham and ME require the official transcript and certificate to be mailed in order to receive an admission decision. Not mailing an official transcript may delay the admission decision.
Curriculum Vitae:
The Graduate Admission Committee requires all applicants to submit a Curriculum Vitae from when they apply to our graduate program.
The length of the curriculum vitae is 1-4 pages. (详见
Personal Statement:
The Statement of Purpose should be a concise, well-written statement about an applicant's academic and research background, career goals, and how this graduate program with help meet career and educational objectives. The length of the SOP should be 1-3 pages.(详见
Recommendation Letter:
Letters of recommendation are submitted through the Rackham Graduate School online application. The letters are typically from a professor at the applicant's most recent institution where their degree was earned.
Applicants must register ALL recommenders on the online application system in order for an e-mail to be sent to the recommender. It is very important to spell the recommender's name and e-mail address correctly. Once the application is submitted, revisions are not possible by the applicant, Rackham or the Mechanical Engineering department.
Number of Letters Required from Applicants for Each Program
Doctoral: 3 letters are required (2 of the 3 letters must come from an academic professor).
Master: 2 letters are required (1 of 2 letters must come from an academic professor).
SUGS and JI-SUGS: 3 letters are required (2 of the 3 letters must come from an academic professor).
Non-Candidate for Degree (NCFD): 2 letters are required (both letters must come from an academic professor)
NOTE: An academic professor can be an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor. A Lecturer would not count as a professor since they are not an academic professor as listed above for the two letters. However, the third letter can come from a Lecturer since anyone can write the third letter.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How are letters of recommendation submitted?
A: Applicants will enter the names and e-mail addresses of their recommenders on the online application. Once the names are entered, the recommenders will receive an e-mail with steps on how to set up a recommender account. They will be able to submit their recommendations electronically. (详见
Personal Statement :
The Personal Statement is an essay about how an applicant's background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, and educational or other opportunities or challenges, motivated the decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan. For example, if an applicant grew up in a community where educational, cultural, or other opportunities were either especially plentiful or especially lacking, they might discuss the impact this had on their development and interests.
The PS should be a discussion of the journey that led to the decision to seek a graduate degree.(详见
Other documents:
Applicants are encouraged to submit up to two publications that have been accepted by reputable peer-reviewed journals. Submitting a writing sample, article or journal paper is optional.
Please note: if more than two writing samples are submitted, none shall be reviewed. These submissions are used to assist the department to match student and faulty interests and will not be a dominant factor in admission decisions.