If you share an official transcript with us via a secure electronic system, please register the email address and select the maximum allowable time period for the document to be made available to us.
Curriculum Vitae:
A CV/résumé is compulsory for all applications. Most applicants choose to submit a document of one to two pages highlighting their academic achievements and any relevant professional experience.
Personal Statement:
Your statement should convince the faculty that you have the right intellectual qualities, academic knowledge and skills to undertake the course. It should focus on how you see the course as building upon your previous study, and what you hope to do with the qualifications you gain from the University, rather than on personal achievements and aspirations.
Recommendation Letter:
Three overall, generally academic.
Whilst you must register three referees, the department may start the assessment of your application if two of the three references are submitted by the course deadline and your application is otherwise complete. Please note that you may still be required to ensure your third referee supplies a reference for consideration.
References should generally be academic, though if you are returning to study after extended periods of non-academic employment then you are welcome to nominate professional referees where it would be impractical to call on your previous university tutors.
Your references will support intellectual ability, academic achievement, motivation, ability to work in both a group environment and sustained individual and self-motivated investigation.
Written Work:
Two essays of 2000 words each or one essay of 4,000 to 5,000 words.Academic essays or other writing samples from your most recent qualification are required. Extracts from a longer dissertation are welcome but a preface which puts them in context is expected. The work does not need to relate closely to your proposed area of study.