1 | 研究方法(一)Seminar in Research Methods I |
2 | 专业问题探讨Ethics and Professional Issues |
3 | 心理病理学Psychopathology |
4 | 认知评估Intelligence Assessment |
5 | 性格评估Assessment of Psychopathology and Personality |
6 | 行为治疗法Intervention Seminar I: Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies |
7 | 临床研讨(一)Clinical Seminar I |
8 | 临床心理学研究议题Research Issues in Clinical Psychology |
9 | 个别研习Independent Study |
10 | 个人治疗方法Intervention Seminar II: Working with Children and Adolescents |
11 | 临床实习(一)Clinical Placement I |
12 | 临床研讨(二)Adult Psychiatry/Psychology |
13 | 成人精神病学/心理学实习Adult Psychiatry/Psychology |
14 | 儿童与青少年精神病学/心理学实习Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychology |
15 | 长期病患或残障例如心理残疾实习Service for people with chronic mental illnesses or impairments such as intellectual disability |