同学 下午好!
追问 @高奎:谢谢!我是看到了GSC官网上面的问答,大概意思是无论是否是化学专业的学生,只要修满基础化学,还有基础物理,生物,数学任选两科,不过还是不太放心。原文如下。
Q: Am I able to apply for GSC even if Chemistry is not my major?
A: Please ensure that you have fulfilled all requirements listed here before you proceed with your application.Science Background
Prospective students must have completed basic undergraduate-level classes in Chemistry and at least 2 of the following subjects before applying to GSC: Mathematics, Physics, or Biology.
回复 @173****9739:对的, 你可以理解为,修过相关的化学课程,而且成绩不错就可以。