廖丽Lizzy | 选校帝优选资深顾问
2020-05-24 19:58:33
是faculty of business的课程 具体官网链接 https://fb.polyu.edu.hk/study/taught-postgraduate-programmes/
课程特色: Special Features:
Interdisciplinary curriculum with a China focus
Multi-dimensional understanding of China Business
Chinese language for international students
Chinese culture and cross-cultural management for all students
China Immersion Experience
Compulsory Subjects
Business and Culture (7 subjects for 24 credits)
Language (2 subjects for 6 credits)
China Immersion Experience
Chinese I (for Non-Chinese speaking students)*
Chinese II (for Non-Chinese speaking students)*
Chinese Economy and Business Strategies
Cross-cultural Management
Essentials of Chinese Culture
Foreign Trade and Investment in China
Managerial Economics with an Application to China Business
The Legal System and Economic Law in China#
* Students who demonstrate proficiency in the Chinese language can fulfil the subject requirements through credit transfer.
Elective Subjects^
(4 subjects chosen from the following for 12 credits)
Chinese III (for Non-Chinese speaking students)
Chinese Customs and Etiquette
Chinese Society and Culture Through Film
Encounters Between China and the West
Human Resource Management in China
Key Issues in China Business
Marketing in China
Political Economy of Policy Making in China
Research Methods and Market Research in China
Research Project in China Business Studies
Taxation Management in Hong Kong and China
Theory and Practice of Accounting in China
Total Quality Management
追问 @廖丽Lizzy:哇,谢谢老师这么详细帮我整理出来,faculty of business属于什么类型呢?老师您看到的话麻烦回复一下哦,谢谢啦
回复 @187****9044:就是商学院的意思,faculty of business。有的时候用faculty,有的时候用school
追问 @廖丽Lizzy:哦哦谢谢老师~那这个专业既然是商学院课程,所以属于商科是吗
回复 @187****9044:是的 确实在商学院下面,不过这个课程内容看了下,和你的职业目标去券商不是那么吻合
回复 @187****9044:这个专业开给想要在中国拓展商业,进行商业活动的国际人士,让他们更加的了解中国,了解中国的文化,中国的商业环境等
追问 @廖丽Lizzy:那这个专业的对口工作是什么方向呢,这个专业有那些比较符合的工作呢,谢谢老师~
回复 @187****9044:外贸,来中国创业,商业拓展等
追问 @廖丽Lizzy:就是中国学生读,毕业可以以后可以从事外贸,公司的商业拓展等工作是吗,大部分的学生都是想要来中国创业的外国人是吗,谢谢老师~