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  Offer:伦敦帝国理工学院 剑桥大学


  My choice to study Civil Engineering was the result of mature reflection. I'm aware that the decisions I make at this age will surely determine my life. The direction of my studies will certainly bond my future and I decided that this commitment should contain things I love, and make me feel useful in society. My future education and profession should encompass what I’m really interested in and give me joy and satisfaction. When you outline your course on things you like, your commitments give meaning to your life and make everyday routine more interesting and productive. I’d like to incorporate these thoughts in the projects I’ll deliver as a Civil Engineer, projects that will harmonize the natural with the built environment and produce an attractive result.

  Maths and physics were my strong points since the beginning of my education. My interest in maths was also increased by my father who is a mathematician. Thanks to his help and promotion, I took part in several mathematical competitions. I managed to participate in the National Mathematical Olympiad three times (top 30 for my age in Greece) and I am confident that this year I will become a medalist. I have also attended preparation classes for the National Mathematical Olympiad, organized by renowned professors from the University of Crete. In physics I fed my curiosity by studying extracurricular books. MIT Open courseware lectures in maths and physics were also a way to deepen my knowledge. However, how these could be combined when confronted with real-life situations, I’ve learned from a family friend, a Civil Engineer by profession. He played a catalytic role in the way I conceive myself in the future, in my thoughts and knowledge of the job of a Civil Engineer. He instilled in my mind the love for the capability to structure space without harming the environment. He took me to construction sites and introduced me to the “poetic” side of the profession. With him I learned that you can elicit from nature the shape you want to create and the material you’ll use, that the constructional technique must become art, that the building and urban planning have to cover contemporary needs, that Aristotle considered the town to be a physical event, creation of man, a physical need, like family.

  I live on an island that on account of its rapid touristic growth broke off its relations with the countryside and the natural environment. The re-establishment of the environmental balance is no longer in nature’s hands, but in the hands of human intervention. I consider utmost justification of my objective the capability to form the environment that will cover human needs, which will give symmetry, security and stability to space and man. Alongside my studies and work, I want to be present in the foundation of new relations, new perceptions, new buildings.

  I have played basketball in a club for over 10 years and have won several regional championships. I learned that the results you’re seeking require planning and teamwork. Studying in your university is to accede into a team that has the vision and knowledge required to give society a better landscape. Being bilingual, I have the advantage of learning languages easily; I can speak Greek, German, English and Spanish at a high level and basic French. I also learned to adapt to situations, a virtue many people do not posses. I also play the guitar and believe that learning to play a musical instrument is one of the most rewarding experiences in life, as it teaches you discipline and patience, but also gives you the chance to communicate with your emotions.

  My distinctions in maths and sports, my performance at school, my ability to learn languages, my time management skills and above all my determination to study what I aspire to and learn from the best, will hopefully be seriously taken into account in your decision of accepting me to your University.








  Offer:牛津布鲁克斯大学 伦敦帝国理工学院 剑桥大学


  Politics has always enthused me because it allows an exploration of some of the fundamental values of our society: the principles of democracy, good governance and the relationship between the state and individual. The ubiquity of politics in the modern world makes it a subject that is broad and varied, and one that I never tire of.

  Studying Politics A level has developed my analytical and critical skills as well as enabling me to pursue independent research. I am particularly interested in the European Union and the use of policy initiatives such as EMU, the Schengen Agreement and the Single Market to facilitate further integration of Member States. Solutions to contemporary problems stemming from European integration such as the sovereign debt crisis and democratic deficits can be found in my winning essay submitted for the Hennessy Prize. I investigated the decision-making process within the current coalition government considering independent commissions on contentious issues, such as banking reforms.

  In order to inform myself about contemporary political culture I regularly read The Times and The Economist, and my passion for politics is further reflected by supplementary reading: I found Tocqueville’s Democracy in America informative. The close examination of both the reasons for the USA's success as a democratic nation and the early society of the country gave me new insight into the workings and inherent strengths and weaknesses of America. Furthermore, my ambition to have a career in politics is borne out by my choice of work shadowing: in September I shadowed an MP, which gave me insight into the full spectrum of domestic policies at grass roots level.

  The multi-disciplinary nature of politics has helped me to find parallels between other subjects. The study of Geography has helped me to examine political issues such as international migration and migration from the EU, and social disputes such as gentrification and counter urbanisation. Similarly Physics has led me to formulate justifications for contentious developments such as nuclear power stations, incorporating an understanding of both the need for nuclear power and its political ramifications. When viewed holistically, such conflicts lie at the root of a modern functioning society’s attempt to reconcile the needs of both the individual and society’s needs as a whole.

  Outside academic study, I enjoy debating, which allows me to challenge myself against others who are equally politically minded. I recently participated in the European Youth Parliament UK National Session as a member of a team selected to represent the UK in the Belgian international forum. I was additionally pleased with my rank of third out of thirty debaters in a regional competition in March and I also chaired a round of the English Speaking Union’s Mace competition, which helped me to build confidence and organisational skills.

  Sports are also a favourite pastime of mine; I participated in races every Sunday as crew on a dinghy for more than a year, and hold a qualification for power boating, which enabled me to help coach younger sailors; I enjoy clay shooting, which I find challenging but rewarding; and I currently coach and play tennis regularly.

  I see the acquisition of knowledge as an on-going as opposed to a static process. My proactive approach to gaining political knowledge, different fields of interest and attaining personal goals has prepared me for the challenges of university life. I am a rounded, hardworking individual who can balance the rigours of academic study with personal interests. I believe I possess the necessary qualities and commitment for my chosen field of study.








  Offer:巴斯大学 布里斯托大学 华威大学 剑桥大学 拉夫堡大学


  The challenge of problem solving has always been key to my passion for mathematics. For me, the satisfaction gained from systematically working through a complex problem to an often unobvious solution is unmatched by other areas of study. It is a continually intriguing and limitless academic discipline due to the fresh challenges that it provides. However, as my studies have developed, I have realised that it is much deeper than just solving problems. Having read "Mathematics: The New Golden Age" by Keith Devlin, I have enjoyed learning about fractals such as the remarkable Mandelbrot Set. I have investigated number theory and have attempted some primality tests myself. I have also studied Non-Euclidean geometry, topology, and various other topics outside the A-level specification. They have all intrigued me and have given me a glimpse into the diversity of mathematics. Studying maths has also enabled me to develop both a new level of comprehension and a more rational way of thinking. It is therefore, without a doubt, my chosen path for further study at university.

  I have thoroughly enjoyed the variety of modules included in my studies, with a particular interest in the pure modules. I have always liked working with algebra and rearranging a jumbled set of coefficients into a wonderfully simple form - such as in summations, using standard results and in proof by induction. Calculus is another favourite of mine, and I have often relished using it in diverse contexts, such as calculating rates of change, using it on graphs and interchanging between a pdf and CDF in statistics. The mechanics module perfectly coincided with my physics course. By taking physics, I have had the opportunity to apply my mathematical skills to a variety of situations and have developed my practical skills through a wide range of experiments. By assisting others in their physics and mathematical studies, I have also further developed my communication skills and my own understanding of these subjects.

  I take my role within the school community seriously. As a prefect, I have the responsibility of taking part in open evenings, school events and acting as a role model for younger students. Furthermore, I mentor a year 8 class and have undertaken child protection training to assist them more effectively. I have received various merits and awards from the school as well as certificates in the UK Maths Challenges.

  This summer I secured a week of work experience at an accountancy firm to gain an insight into a potential maths-related career. Whilst I found the placement enjoyable, it reaffirmed my passions towards the pure and applied mathematics I have studied.

  Like many mathematicians, I also have a real fascination for music. The link between the two subjects intrigues me, because the way musical melodies and harmonies are meticulously ordered and pieced together is reminiscent of the process of solving a complex maths problem. I find that music allows me to stretch my creative wings and I am fond of performing with my classmates and friends. I am currently working towards grade 5 piano and have played piano and sung in many charity concerts both in and out of school. Despite having not studied the GCSE course, I successfully taught myself the required theory for my music AS-level. By learning to compose and appreciate various styles of music in the course, I was inspired to start writing, recording and editing an album, which I intend to put on iTunes upon completion. I am also a keen admirer of technology, keeping up to date with the latest technology news, specifically relating to the games industry. I also enjoy playing Sudoku in my spare time.

  My choices of university reflect my ambitions and I look forward to meeting the challenge of university life head-on. I keenly await the transition to university and I am excited about studying mathematics at a higher level.







Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Cambridge
Harvard University