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伦敦政治经济学院(the London School of Economics and Political Science),简称伦敦经济学院(LSE)。这是一所专注于社会科学领域的世界顶尖学校,也是许多打算攻读海外MBA学生的女神校。今日,将于大家分享的是一篇成功申请LSE商科专业的优质文书,一起来看看背景一般、活动一般的前辈如何套路招生官。


Passion --- 任何一篇文书,都应该表达出对所申请专业和学习的强烈热爱,学校不会收一个对自己没有表现出热忱的申请人;但是在不可能赤裸裸地陈述“我爱死你们专业了!”的情况下,如何潜移默化表现出申请人Passion去感染招生官,是一个非常考验水平的微妙问题。

Professionalism --- 一个志在出国留学的学生,一定是一个对自己的未来有专业认知的学生;所以文书中一定要体现申请人对行业的了解、对自己未来的清晰而专业的规划。要想在这部分脱颖而出,一定要有多商科各个分支行业、各个证书、各个职位等等有充分的积累。

Peculiarity --- 招生官每年都要看堆积如山的文书,也许个个都成绩优秀,背景傲人;于是,怎样在茫茫文字海洋中吸引到招生官,文书一定要有独特性;所以,要力求站在招生官角度,写出来有趣的、有特色的、能够吸引他们读下去的文书。有可能的话,最好想 一个 吸引人的、或者有特色的 开头;让读了几百篇 枯燥文书的 招生官, 心里会 咯噔一下。

Perfection --- 细节决定成败,除了上面几点,每个细节处 要进行反复斟酌,要不断 对自己进行拷问 力求达到完美。文书的逻辑结构是否流畅?语言是否能改得 更顺畅,或者 起码做到没有语法错误?推荐信会不会犯了一些错以至于一看就是学生自己帮老师写的(比如过分描述细节、笔触太主观)?简历是否叙述太泛泛,缺乏事实和数据?等等等等。


Other than finance and accounting, I fail to think of any other fields that are fascinating enough to deserve my life-long commitment.

To me, the greatest charm of studying finance and accounting is that it’s like a game of brains in which sophisticated theoretical systems are strategically deployed to interpret and solve difficult business problems. Take dialogues between me and my father as an example. When I was a young child, my engineering father frequently gave me various lectures from which I gained various kinds of knowledge. A couple of months ago, our roles switched: I changed to his ‘teacher’ to give him a detailed lecture that explained a then popular hostile acquisition case involving Baoneng and Vanke---- 2 super giants of real estate in China. I used various weird-sounding yet interesting jargons, including poison pill defense, white knight, green mail, etc. (though I explained the meaning of them vividly and gave exact examples in the case) to replay a game of ‘Barbarians at the Gate’. The moment expressions of amazement showed up on his face, I felt again that I would never be able to resist the lure of finance and accounting.

点评:开篇就表达对finance and accounting的热爱(passion),满满的套路。接着,将finance and accounting比喻成一个智力游戏,并讲了一个有趣的小故事——与工程师爸爸的对话。申请人的Passion,Professionalism和Peculiarity都得到展现;而且,这样一个洋溢着家庭欢乐氛围的小故事,基本可以在众文书中脱颖而出。

Thus, in order to engage in the game of finance and accounting, I have made some career plans. My short-term career goal is to enter an investment bank or an IBD of a financial corporation to start as an M&A analyst, IPO analyst or other entry-level positions. The work tasks may involve research work, benchmarking, financial modeling,etc. By working in a highly challenging yet educative position, I hope torapidly improve my professional skills and maturity. Within 3 years, I hope tobe promoted to a position of associate who is able to lead a small team to carry out independent investment tasks assigned by the management. Before I am 30 years old, I hope to climb to the position of VP or director responsible for major transactions or investment projects. Incidentally, I will acquire my certificates of ACCA and CFA at the beginning years of my career.

While I do have clear short-term career goals, as have been are stated, it is difficult for me to expect where I would be in more than 10 years. I could only provide some rough goals though I am determined to become a successful career woman in the finance sector. When I am 30 years old, I would probably have accumulated plentiful specialist knowledge, expertise and resources but I may meet some ceiling in my profession. At that time, I may change to another company,probably a non-finance one, to work as a CFO or other senior roles;alternatively, I may pursue to read for an MBA degree to pursue a higher platform; I may also start my own company or join a start-up; I may also try to find a less exhausting job as I may hope to spend more time with my family, if I would have then. There are too many possibilities and uncertainties in life though what I can do is to make steady efforts in the path of self-improvement.

点评:两段职业规划,一个短期,务实而野心勃勃,体现着对专业的洞察--- Professionalism。一个长期,透露着自己对“人生无常”的些许小小感悟,读到了学生的成熟智慧--- Peculiarity。

To prepare for this difficult career pathway, I am now applying to the MSc Finance and Accounting (the Programme) at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the crème de la crème of academic platforms in the UK. LSE would greatly enhance my skills needed for the game of finance and accounting at a higher level. In addition, in this reputable arena, I would meet many outstanding professional ‘gamers’ and young ‘prospective gamers’ of finance and accounting, some of whom may probably become my lifelong game partners. After thorough research into the Programme, I find that I am more interested to the specialization of finance as it is more intellectually demanding and fascinating while greater understanding of accounting could facilitate my career in finance.


As a ‘lady knight’, which I call myself, in this game of brains, I have equipped myself with some ‘powerful weapons’ that will help me succeed in the finance and accounting game. The first one is my solid academic foundation. I have achieved good performance in my undergraduate studies of finance and accounting at the Durham University, which paves the way for my postgraduate studies. The second ‘weapon’ is my ability of quick learning. For instance, my proudest achievement is that I have passed 8 exams of ACCA Examination through independent self-studies. In 2015, after spending 1 year studying accounting and finance at the Durham University, I made up my mind to register for the ACCA Examination and designed to pass all the exams before graduation, i.e. June 2017. Spending almost all my spare time reading books, watching online courses and practicing, I had passed 8 exams by September 2016. Now, I am still preparing for the rest of the examination in order to pass them all in time.

点评:这段介绍申请者的优势,用一个“lady night”比喻上文提到的“白衣骑士”,既印证前面把这个专业比作game of brains的比喻,也体现了Passion。申请者文章把控能力立显。学术背景、强大的学习能力(一年过ACCA 9门)都是学生的Peculiarity。

In addition, I have accumulated some practical experience in the game of finance and accounting as an intern audit assistant at PwC Qingdao Branch. During the internship, I witnessed how the accounting theory I learned from books is applied in real-world professional environments. For instance, I got the opportunities to examine various balance sheets, cash flow statements and other finance and accounting documents. In particular, I received training in various subtle tricks and fraudulent manoeuvres by the ‘crooks’ in the game of finance and accounting as well as smart means to combat those back-door operations.


Undoubtedly, the sharpest weapon that I’m armed with is my strong passion for finance and accounting. Such passion has given me endless energy in my studies and will continue to support me in a more difficult, challenging and exhausting academic and professional pathway. I sincerely desire to become part the LSE community.If given an opportunity, I am confident that I would strive to become part of the glories of both LSE and Durham University.





University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
London School of Economics and Political Science