学校中文名 | 学校英文名 | 专业名称 | 开设学位 | 位置 |
纽约圣约瑟学院 | St. Joseph's College | The M.S. in Human Services Management and Leadership | Master | Brooklyn, NY |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Phoenix, AZ |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Atlanta, GA |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Los Angeles, CA |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Nashville, TN |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | San Bernardino, CA |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Orange, CA |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Denver, CO |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Farmers Branch, TX |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | San Diego, CA |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Arlington, VA |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Sarasota, FL |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Tampa, FL |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Draper, UT |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Alameda, CA |
阿尔格西大学 | Argosy University | Human Services (MS) | Master | Seattle, WA |
萨姆休斯敦州立大学 | Sam Houston State University | Family and Consumer Sciences | Master | Huntsville, TX |
德州州立大学圣马科斯分校 | Texas State University-San Marcos | Family and Child Studies | Master | San Marcos, TX |
加州州立大学洛杉矶分校 | California State University, Los Angeles | Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics | Master | Los Angeles, CA |
博林格林州立大学 | Bowling Green State University | Family and Consumer Sciences | Master | Bowling Green, OH |
博林格林州立大学 | Bowling Green State University | Family Studies | Doctorate, Master | Bowling Green, OH |
明尼苏达大学双城分校 | University of Minnesota | Family Social Science | Master, Graduate Certificate, Doctorate | Saint Paul, MN |
明尼苏达大学双城分校 | University of Minnesota | Family Education | Master, Graduate Certificate, Doctorate | Twin Cities, MN |
明尼苏达大学双城分校 | University of Minnesota | Maternal and Child Health | Master | Twin Cities, MN |
马里兰大学学院公园分校 | University of Maryland - College Park | Maternal and Child Health (Department of Family Science) | Doctorate | College Park, MD |
德州理工大学 | Texas Tech University | Family and Consumer Sciences Education | Master, Doctorate | Lubbock, TX |
德州理工大学 | Texas Tech University | Family and Consumer Sciences Education Teacher Education Certifcation Preparation Program | Graduate Certificate | Lubbock, TX |
宾州州立大学公园分校 | Pennsylvania State University | Youth and Family Education | Master | University Park, PA |
南密西西比大学 | University of Southern Mississippi | Child and Family Studies | Master | Hattiesburg, MS |
南密西西比大学 | University of Southern Mississippi | Early Intervention | Master | Hattiesburg, MS |
菲丽琴学院 | Felician College | Master of Science in Nursing | Master, Graduate Certificate | Lodi, NJ |
佛蒙特大学 | University of Vermont | Occupational and Practical Arts(Family and Consumer Sciences) | Master | Burlington, VT |
田纳西大学 | University of Tennessee | Child and Family Studies | Master, Doctorate | Knoxville, TN |
威斯康辛协和大学 | Concordia University - Wisconsin | Education - Family Studies | Master | Mequon, WI |
德州理工大学 | Texas Tech University | Family and Consumer Sciences Education | Master, Doctorate | Lubbock, TX |
德州理工大学 | Texas Tech University | Family and Consumer Sciences Education Teacher Education Certifcation Preparation Program | Graduate Certificate | Lubbock, TX |
拉马尔大学 | Lamar University | Family and Consumer Sciences | Master | Beaumont, TX |
北肯塔基大学 | Northern Kentucky University | Master of Science in Community Counseling | Master | Highland Heights, KY |
圣克劳德州立大学 | St. Cloud State University | School Counseling | Graduate Certificate, Master | Saint Cloud, MN |
圣克劳德州立大学 | St. Cloud State University | Child and Family Studies: Family Studies | Master | Saint Cloud, MN |
圣克劳德州立大学 | St. Cloud State University | Child and Family Studies - Family Studies (M.S.) | Master | Saint Cloud, MN |
孟菲斯大学 | University of Memphis | Consumer Science and Education | Master | Memphis, TN |
草原风情农工大学 | Prairie View A & M University | Human Sciences | Master | Prairie View, TX |
新墨西哥大学 | University of New Mexico | Family Studies | Master, Doctorate | Albuquerque, NM |
东南密苏里州立大学 | Southeast Missouri State University | Human Environmental Studies | Master | Cape Girardeau, MO |
阿尔弗雷德大学 | Alfred University | Community Services Administration | Master | Alfred, NY |
密歇根州立大学 | Michigan State University | Family and Child Ecology | Master | East Lansing, MI |
加州州立大学洛杉矶分校 | California State University, Los Angeles | Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics | Master | Los Angeles, CA |
德州州立大学圣马科斯分校 | Texas State University-San Marcos | Family and Child Studies | Master | San Marcos, TX |
南密西西比大学 | University of Southern Mississippi | Early Intervention | Master | Hattiesburg, MS |
南密西西比大学 | University of Southern Mississippi | Child and Family Studies | Master | Hattiesburg, MS |
宾夕法尼亚林肯大学 | Lincoln University (PA) | Human Services | Master | Lincoln University, PA |
圣地亚哥州立大学 | San Diego State University | Child and Family Development, San Diego State University | Graduate Certificate, Master | San Diego, CA |
德州南方大学 | Texas Southern University | Human Services and Consumer Sciences | Master | Houston, TX |
俄克拉荷马大学塔尔萨分校 | University of Oklahoma - Tulsa | Master of Social Work | Master | Tulsa, OK |
德州理工大学 | Texas Tech University | Family and Consumer Sciences Education Teacher Education Certifcation Preparation Program | Graduate Certificate | Lubbock, TX |
德州理工大学 | Texas Tech University | Family and Consumer Sciences Education | Doctorate, Master | Lubbock, TX |
博林格林州立大学 | Bowling Green State University | Family and Consumer Sciences | Master | Bowling Green, OH |
博林格林州立大学 | Bowling Green State University | Family Studies | Doctorate, Master | Bowling Green, OH |
大瀑布大学 | University of Great Falls | Professional Counseling | Master | Great Falls, MT |
肯塔基大学 | University of Kentucky | Family Studies | Master, Doctorate | Lexington, IN |
北爱荷华大学 | University of Northern Iowa | Leisure Services--Youth/Human Service Agency Administration | Master | Cedar Falls, IA |
田纳西大学 | University of Tennessee | Child and Family Studies | Master, Doctorate | Knoxville, TN |
马里兰大学学院公园分校 | University of Maryland - College Park | Maternal and Child Health (Department of Family Science) | Doctorate | College Park, MD |
宾州州立大学公园分校 | Pennsylvania State University | Youth and Family Education | Master | University Park, PA |
阿肯色大学 | University of Arkansas | Human Environmental Science | Master | Fayetteville, AR |
东卡罗来纳大学 | East Carolina University | Family and Consumer Sciences Education | Master | Greenville, NC |
西密歇根大学 | Western Michigan University | Family and Consumer Sciences | Master | Kalamazoo, MI |
萨福克大学 | Suffolk University | MS Mental Health Counseling, MS MHC/MPA, MS MHC/MSCJ C.A.G.S. | Master, Graduate Certificate | Boston, MA |
罗马琳达大学 | Loma Linda University | Family Studies/Counseling | Graduate Certificate | Loma Linda, CA |
明尼苏达州立大学曼卡托分校 | Minnesota State University - Mankato | Sociology: Human Services Planning and Administration | Master | Mankato, MN |
西雅图大学 | Seattle University | Pastoral Counseling | Graduate Certificate, Master | Seattle, WA |
俄克拉荷马大学塔尔萨分校 | University of Oklahoma - Tulsa | Master of Social Work | Master | Tulsa, OK |
霍夫斯特拉大学 | Hofstra University | Human Resource Management | Master, Graduate Certificate | , |
霍夫斯特拉大学 | Hofstra University | Family and Consumer Sciences | Master | , |
北亚利桑那大学 | Northern Arizona University | Human Relations, M.Ed. | Master | Flagstaff, AZ |
佛蒙特大学 | University of Vermont | Occupational and Practical Arts(Family and Consumer Sciences) | Master | Burlington, VT |
宾夕法尼亚林肯大学 | Lincoln University (PA) | Human Services | Master | Lincoln University, PA |
密歇根州立大学 | Michigan State University | Family and Child Ecology | Master | East Lansing, MI |
新墨西哥州立大学 | New Mexico State University-Main Campus | Family and Consumer Sciences | Master | Las Cruces, NM |
圣保罗西北大学 | University of Northwestern-St. Paul | Master of Arts in Human Services | Master | Evanston, IL |
安德鲁斯大学 | Andrews University | Religious Education | Master, Doctorate | Berrien Springs, MI |
堪萨斯州立大学 | Kansas State University | School of Family Studies and Human Services | Doctorate, Master | Manhattan, KS |
路易斯安那理工大学 | Louisiana Tech University | Family and Consumer Sciences | Master | Ruston, LA |
萨吉诺谷州立大学 | Saginaw Valley State University | Master of Arts Administrative Science | Master, Graduate Certificate | University Center, MI |
拉马尔大学 | Lamar University | Family and Consumer Sciences | Master | Beaumont, TX |
阿尔弗雷德大学 | Alfred University | Community Services Administration | Master | Alfred, NY |
安德鲁斯大学 | Andrews University | Religious Education | Master, Doctorate | Berrien Springs, MI |
西雅图大学 | Seattle University | Pastoral Counseling | Master, Graduate Certificate | Seattle, WA |
俄克拉荷马大学塔尔萨分校 | University of Oklahoma - Tulsa | Master of Social Work | Master | Tulsa, OK |
草原风情农工大学 | Prairie View A & M University | Human Sciences | Master | Prairie View, TX |
内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln | Interdepartmental Human Resources and Family Sciences | Doctorate, Master | Lincoln, NE |
哥伦比亚大学 | Columbia University | Human Rights Studies | Master | New York City, NY |
加州州立大学北岭分校 | California State University, Northridge | Family Environmental Sciences | Master | Northridge, CA |
阿拉巴马农工大学 | Alabama A & M University | Department of Family and Consumer Sciences | Master | Normal, AL |
罗马琳达大学 | Loma Linda University | Family Studies/Counseling | Graduate Certificate | Loma Linda, CA |
明尼苏达州立大学曼卡托分校 | Minnesota State University - Mankato | Sociology: Human Services Planning and Administration | Master | Mankato, MN |
北亚利桑那大学 | Northern Arizona University | Human Relations, M.Ed. | Master | Flagstaff, AZ |
东卡罗来纳大学 | East Carolina University | Family and Consumer Sciences Education | Master | Greenville, NC |
罗马琳达大学 | Loma Linda University | Family Studies/Counseling | Graduate Certificate | Loma Linda, CA |