学校中文名 | 学校英文名 | 专业名称 | 开设学位 | 位置 |
德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校 | University of Texas at Arlington | Urban Planning and Public Policy (UPPP) | Master, Doctorate | Arlington, TX |
安提阿大学 | Antioch University | M.A. in Urban Sustainability | Master | Culver City, CA |
辛辛那提大学 | University of Cincinnati | Community Planning | Master | Cincinnati, OH |
乔治华盛顿大学 | The George Washington University | Sustainable Urban Planning | Graduate Certificate | , |
马里兰大学学院公园分校 | University of Maryland - College Park | Urban Studies and Planning | Master | College Park, MD |
哈佛大学 | Harvard University | Urban Planning | Master | Cambridge, MA |
罗德岛大学 | University of Rhode Island | Community Planning | Master | Kingston, RI |
西佐治亚大学 | University of West Georgia | Rural and Small Town Planning | Master | Carrollton, GA |
南缅因大学 | University of Southern Maine | Community Planning and Development | Master | Portland, ME |
韦恩州立大学 | Wayne State University | Master's of Urban Planning | Master | Detroit, MI |
弗吉尼亚大学 | University of Virginia | Urban and Environmental Planning Program | Master | Charlottesville, VA |