学校名称: 美国波士顿大学(波士顿) Boston University (Boston)
所在位置:美国,One Sherbourne Street Boston, MA 02215 (617) 353-2000
1、申请费:$80 Application fee
2、本科官方成绩单:Official Transcripts.
3、推荐信:Two official letters of recommendation.
4、推荐信:Most departments ask for three letters.
5、GRE成绩单:Official GRE General scores, 送分编号为3087,MFA不要求GRE。
6、GRE专项成绩:Some departments may also require the Subject Test
7、TOEFL成绩单:Official TOEFL scores sent by ETS to institution code 3087.
8、个人陈述:Personal Statement
9、个人简历:Resume or CV (highly recommended, not required)
10、写作样本:A writing sample is required by some but not all departments.
(1) GRS接受托福和雅思成绩,雅思最低分数要求为7.0分;托福最低分数要求如下:21(阅读)、18(听力)、23(口语)、22(写作)。
(2) 申请者通过学术资格审查后,需要提交以下资料:
A completed, signed International Student Data Form or International Applicant Coversheet (available with the online application). Please note that this form cannot be e-mailed or faxed.
Copy of the personal information page of your current passport.
Copies of all current visas, if applicable.
Financial support documentation (Sponsorship Certification Form and Bank Statement)