卡耐基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University,缩写CMU),中文又作“卡内基梅隆大学”,是一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学,成立于1900年,由苏格兰美裔钢铁实业家安德鲁·卡耐基(Andrew Carnegie)创建而成,该校位于美国东部宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡市。
CFA: College of Fine Arts 艺术学院
DC: Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences 人文及社会科学学院
Engineering: College of Engineering 工程学院
IS: Information Systems 信息系统
MCS: Mellon College of Science 科学学院
SCS: School of Computer Science 计算机科学学院
TPR: Tepper School of Business 商学院
BS: Bachelor of Science 理学学士学位
BA: Bachelor of Art 文学学士学位
College of Engineering 工程学院
Biomedical Engineering 生物医药工程*
Chemical Engineering 化学工程(BS)
Civil Engineering 土木工程(BS)
Electrical and Computer Engineering 电子与计算机工程(BS)
Engineering and Public Policy 工程与公共政策*
Materials Science and Engineering 材料科学与工程(BS)
Mechanical Engineering 机械工程(BS)
College of Fine Arts 艺术学院(CFA)
Bachelor of Humanities and Arts 人文与艺术学士 (BHA)
Bachelor of Science and Arts 理学与艺术学士 (BSA)
Bachelor of Computer Science and Arts 计算机科学与艺术学士 (BCSA)
School of Architecture 建筑学院
Architecture 建筑(BArch)
School of Art 艺术学院
Art 艺术(BFA)
School of Design 设计学院
Design 设计(BDes)
School of Drama 戏剧学院
Drama 戏剧(BFA)
Acting 表演
Design 设计
Costume 服装
Lighting 灯光
Scenic 场景
Sound 音效
Video and Media 视频与媒体
Directing 导演
Dramaturgy 编剧
Music Theater 音乐剧
Production Technology and Management 制片技术和管理
Stage and Production Management 舞台和制片管理
Technical Direction 技术指导
School of Music 音乐学院
Music and Technology 音乐与技术(BS)
Music Composition 音乐作曲(BFA)
Music Performance 音乐表演(BFA)
Instrumental 乐器
Piano 钢琴
Vocal 声乐
Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences 人文及社会科学学院 (DC)
Bachelor of Humanities and Arts 人文与艺术学士 (BHA)
Humanities Scholars Program 人文学者项目 (HSP)
Quantitative Social SCience Scholars Program 量化社会科学学者项目 (QSSS)
Science and Humanities Scholars Program 文理学者项目 (SHS, 与MCS合办)
Economics Program 经济系
Economics 经济(BA 或 BS)
English Department 英语系
Creative Writing 创意写作(BA)
English 英语(BA)
Professional Writing 职业写作(BA)
Technical Writing and Communication 技术写作与交流(BS)
History Department 历史系
Global Studies 全球研究(BA)
Social and Political HIstory 社会与政治历史(BA 或 BS)
Institute for Politics and Strategy 政治与战略研究院
International Relations and Politics 国际关系与政治(BS)
Interdepartmental Majors 跨学院专业
Economics and Mathematical Sciences 经济数学(BS)
Economics and Statistics 经济统计(BS)
Environmental Policy 环境政策*
Ethics, History and Public Policy 伦理,历史与公共政策(BA 或 BS)
Information Systems 信息系统(BS)
Linguistics 语言学(BA)
Neuroscience 神经科学(BS; 与MCS合办)
Psychology and Biological Sciences 心理与生物科学(BS)
Student-Defined Major 学生自定专业(BA 或 BS)
Modern Languages Department 现代语言系
Chinese Studies 中国文化研究(BA)
French and Francophone Studies 法国文化研究(BA)
German Studies 德国文化研究(BA)
Japanese Studies 日本文化研究(BA)
Russian Studies 俄罗斯文化研究(BA)
Spanish/Hispanic Studies 西班牙文化研究(BA)
Philosophy Department 哲学系
Logic and Computation 逻辑与计算(BS)
Philosophy 哲学(BA)
Psychology Department 心理学系
Cognitive Science 认知科学(BS)
Psychology 心理学(BA)
Social and Decision Sciences Department 社会与决策科学系
Decision Science 决策科学(BS)
Policy and Management 政策与管理(BS)
Statistics Department 统计系
Statistics 统计(BS)
Statistics and Machine Learning 统计与机器学习(BS; 与SCS合办)
Mellon College of Science 科学学院(MCS)
Bachelor of Science and Arts 理学与艺术学士 (BSA)
Science and Humanities Scholars Program 文理学者项目 (SHS; 与DC合办)
Biological Sciences Department 生物科学系
Biological Sciences 生物科学(BA 或 BS)
Biological Sciences and Psychology 生物科学与心理学(BS)
Biological Sciences/Neuroscience Track 生物科学/神经科学分支(BS)
Computational Biology 计算生物学(BS; 与SCS合办)
Neuroscience 神经科学(BS)
Chemistry Department 化学系
Chemistry 化学(BA 或 BS)
Chemistry/Biology Chemistry Track 化学/生物化学分支(BS)
Mathematical Sciences Department 数学系
Computational Finance 计算金融学(BS)
Mathematical Sciences 数学科学(BS)
Mathematical Sciences (Computational and Applied Mathematics) 数学(计算与应用数学)(BS)
Mathematical Sciences (Discrete Mathematics and Logic) 数学(离散数学与逻辑)(BS)
Mathematical Science (Operations Research and Statistics) 数学(运筹学与统计)(BS)
Mathematical Sciences (Statistics) 数学(统计)(BS)
Mathematical Sciences and Economics 数学与经济(BS)
School of Computer Science 计算机科学学院(SCS)
Computer Science 计算机科学(BS)
Bachelor of Computer Science and Arts 计算机科学与艺术学士 (BCSA)
Computational Biology 计算生物学(BS; 与MCS合办)
Human-Computer Interaction 人机交互*
Robotics 机器人*
Statistics and Machine Learning 统计与机器学习(BS; 与DC合办)
Tepper School of Business 商学院(TPR)
Business Administration 工商管理* (BS)
Accounting 会计
Business Analytics 商业分析
Business Technology 商业科技
Entrepreneurship 创业学
Finance 财政学
Graphic Communications 图文传播
International Business 国际商务
Leadership & Organizational Effectiveness 领导与组织效应
Marketing 市场
Operations Management 运营管理