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  据网上资料显示,哈佛法学院是T3里唯一在录取前需要面试的法学院(未考证)。似乎通常情况下在提交申请后一个月左右发送面试通知。面试通过Skype,by invitation only。登录面试通知的邮件里的链接所导向的页面,填入部分个人信息后即预约时间。建议收到邮件后尽快预约面试时间。每个申请者只能从特定天数的特定时间段内选择面试时间,并且每一个时间段都只有特定数量的申请者可进行预约(因为一共只有七个面试人员,均来自admission office)。




  基本以“HLS interview”在Google上进行检索,得到的多数信息均表示面试总体而言是过简历,比较个人化。所以如果你对自己的整体申请材料(PS,transcript,recommendation,resume)了熟于心,那已经自然完成了80%的准备。

  如果预约的面试时间距离当下还有数天,可以找朋友进行模拟面试(同时也是一个很好的检测电脑,麦克风以及Skype是否存在故障的机会)。似乎并不存在Question Pool,因为HLS的面试的确是针对每个申请者量身定做,而每个人的申请内容都有其特质。所以更建议打印一份简历和PS,想象自己是面试官,有可能针对这份简历和PS提出什么通过其他的申请材料所无法回答的问题(就个人面试经历而言,面试官的确认真地阅读了我的申请材料,所有问题都是无法直接从面试材料中获得的,当然所有问题都不难回应)。

  当然,还是有一个问题一定会被问及:do you have any question for me? 通常在面试即将结束时,面试官会允许你问他/她1-4个问题。个人理解可以问任何问题,法学院数据,学生活动,种种,但可能与自身发展相关的问题更适合这样的面试场合。此外问How而不是What更容易让面试官觉得是好问题。不用担心问的过于复杂。也不用担心问得超出面试官了解范围(只要问题是关于HLS的他们都知道答案)。

  此外,哈佛法学院的admission blog上也有部分关于面试的信息:http://hls.harvard.edu/tips-for-your-interview/。




  哈佛法学院晚于面试时间五分钟给我拨打Skype video call(它的admission blog上也说有时他们会晚,所以只要哈佛法学院已经加你为contact以及你的网络连接没有问题,没有准点收到Skype call也不要紧张)。

  面试官非常友好,美国人的日常寒暄(how are you之类的)之后就进入正题。所有问题的确是针对简历,并且无法从申请材料中直接获得。不会追问,所以哪怕回答得不是很完美也不会很狼狈。个人回忆的面试问题如下:

  1. Tell me a little bit about your degree thesis.

  2. Why Harvard.

  3. Do you plan to stay in the U.S. to go back to China after completing your JD studies.

  4. Most impactful experience at your undergrad college.

  5. How would your friends describe you.

  6. Anything you want me to know?

  7. Any questions for me?


  面试一共持续14分钟 (面试普遍持续10-15分钟)。似乎长短并不代表录取的概率大小。



  我在十二月初提交申请,一月中旬收到面试通知,并于一月二十五号中部时间中午十一点进行了持续时间为二十分钟的面试。面试人员应该来自Admission Committee。芝加哥法学院有在网站上说明面试人员会于面试时间提前几分钟通过Skype提交contact request,所以建议于面试时间开始前二十分钟即打开Skype等待添加请求。添加后对方会立刻开始面试。

  据上往届面试者回忆,Interview Q List如下:

  Why law?

  Why law now?

  Why Chicago?

  What am I doing between now and law school (I was a December graduate from UG)?

  Resume-related questions (questions about specific items or bullet-points on your rezzy).

  Have you ever had a time when you were out of your element or comfort zone?

  What is your greatest accomplishment?

  If you could go back in time and redo one thing in your life, what would it be?

  Discuss a memorable class or moment in a class.

  Why did you choose your undergrad?

  What is your preferred work style?

  What do you do in your free time?

  How would your professors describe you?

  How would your peers describe you?

  How would your coworkers describe you?

  Do you have any questions for me?

  "Who most influenced your decision to go to law school?"

  Tell me about a challenge you faced?

  Tell me about your current job.

  Any points you want me to especially emphasize with the admissions committee?

  "What is on your bucket list?"

  If you could have a conversation with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?


  基于个人面试经历,AC的确基本从List中找问题,并且有些问题比较随机,即便你认为自己在申请材料中已经说明清楚,对方可能依然会提问。比如我的PS里用了很大篇幅说明了Why Law,但芝加哥法学院面试官依然问了Why Law。。

  除了List中的问题,我在面试中还被提问了一个与简历高度相关的个人问题,一个what can you bring to UChicago Law, 以及一个非常具有难度的问题:can you think of any social issue (in any society) and a solution for it? 遇到任何比较难的问题时,可以用一点时间思考清楚再回答,效果可能比立刻开始说但中间支吾更好,TLS上也有往届面试者说AC更加欣赏思路清晰的回答。


  Kira Talent面试题

  西北和Cornell都是用同一个网络面试系统(陆老师注:Kira Talent),面试之前可以进行模拟。然后面试有六道题。西北的我碰到全部是口语问答 (每道题30秒准备,1分钟回答,可提前结束回答),Cornell三道口语问答三道书面问答。

  Kira Talent是一个网络面试系统,分为视频面试和笔试部分,最终对申请者做出综合评价。该面试系统是JD申请者被录取的重要参考因素。当然,这样的面试也是有题库的。本文就是申请者通过网络和自己的面试总结出的题库,比网上流传的都要全,值得各位申请者好好练习。


  西北的题库, 是西北30题和我在reddit和tls上搜索的整合版,比30题全。面试的时候只有一道题是这里没有的(最后一道):

  1. How did you make the decision to attend your undergraduate school?

  2. How did you choose your major? Did you enter with the same major you graduated with?

  3. As we look at your transcripts, will we notice any trends in your grades or any classes that were a struggle, or were your grades consistent all the way through?

  4. What was your favorite class in college and why?

  5. Who was your favorite college professor and why?

  6. What was your most difficult class in college and why?

  7. Describe the main extracurricular activities in which you were involved.

  8. What do you feel your most significant leadership opportunity has been?

  9. How do you define an effective leader?

  10. Describe your leadership style.

  11. When you have free time, what do you enjoy doing for fun?

  12. If you could now go back and start your undergraduate experience over, is there anything you would do differently or advice that you would give yourself as an incoming freshman, or would you do it again the same way?

  13.What is the most challenging project or situation that you have encountered in your work?

  14.What is the most significant project you have had to manage? How did you approach the task and what did you learn from the experience?

  15.Describe the most significant written document you have completed.

  16.Describe an oral presentation you made in which you were successful in communicating an idea or convincing others of your idea.

  17.Was there ever a time that you experienced a conflict or disagreement with someone else in the work place? If so, please describe the situation and how you handled it.

  18. How do you generally go about resolving conflicts with others?

  19. What do you consider as some of the best advice you have received from others concerning your educational choices or career?

  20. What do you consider as your most difficult decision up to this point in your life?

  21. If I were to meet with your supervisors and/or faculty members with whom you have had the closest interactions and ask them what qualities they feel you have that will help you succeed in a legal career, what do you think they would point out?

  22. How did you make the decision to go to law school?

  23. What kind of employment do you see yourself pursuing after you graduate from law school?

  24. What is your ultimate dream for your long-term career?

  25. How will you define success in your career?

  26. I assume that you are applying to some other schools besides Northwestern. To what other schools are you also applying?

  27. If you were to be accepted to all of the schools to which you are applying, how will you choose which school to attend?

  28. On the down side, what if you don't get into law school this year? What is your backup plan?

  29. What do you think your greatest challenge in law school will be?

  30. What is it about Northwestern Law that appeals to you?

  31. What aspects of your application do you want admission committees to focus on?

  32. The biggest misconception people have about you?

  33. Your strategy of dealing with failure? (the relationship between failure and success?)

  34. Have you ever managed multiple projects at the same time?

  35. How do you usually handle pressure?

  36. Are you an optimist, pessimist or realist?

  37. What can wake you up when you are tired or irritated, etc.?

  38. How would you go about solving a difficult problem with a team? (Think of a teamwork situation you were in where everyone could not agree. What, if anything, did you do tofacilitate better understanding of each other?)

  39. What were you like 4 years ago? How are you different now?

  40. Tell me about a time when you taught somebody something.

  41. Describe a situation where something you failed to accomplish ultimately led to a future success.

  42. What’s a time you applied for a job and didn’t get it? How’d you deal with it?

  43. Do you feel more comfortable listening or talking? Can you give an example?

  44. (2018)分享一个曾经敌对关系之后关系缓和矛盾关系变好的事例。

  45. (2018)If you are the leader of the team,what would you do to maintain morale and keep positive and optimistic attitude?

  另据其他面试者表示,他没遇到任何一题。西北的面试非常灵活 提前做准备基本行不通,他的个人建议是睡好午觉,感觉非常良好地去面试。 相对准备题目更应该准备好对于网上面试的状态,比如在测试时 注意一下你的眼神定位点、你的背景图是否干净, 始终保持眼神聚焦可以让你看起来更加自信一点。建议穿正装或者business casual,因为西北喜欢职业感强烈的。供参考。



  书面问题有三道题 (每一道题有5分钟):

  1. As cyber attacks have become a central issue in this presidential election, what do you think law can do to address cyber security?

  2. What suggestions would you give to a prelaw student?

  3. In some countries, voting is mandatory. Do you think the U.S. can benefit from mandatory voting?


  1. Why Cornell?

  2. Why Law?

  3. What do you expect from a Cornell Law Education?

  4. What will you add to the community?

  5. What draws you to Ithaca (besides the fact that Cornell is there)?

  6. What advice would you give to someone who is selecting their undergraduate major and how does this apply to what you selected?

  7. Why did you select your undergraduate institution?

  8. What type of personality do you work best with?

  9. What are 3 adjectives your friends would use to describe you?

  10. If you had one day to do anything at all, what would you do?

  11. What is your ideal instructional class size and why?

  12. What motivates you intrinsically?

  13. Describe two things that make a great teacher.

  14. What makes you believe you would be successful in a close-knit community? (Or something of that nature)

  15. Describe a meaningful experience in your own life.

  16. What is your favorite book and why?

  17. What is your favorite movie and why?

  18. Who is your role model and why?

  19. How do you spend your leisure time?

  20. Describe an experience that has broadened your perspective.

  21. What is your biggest failure and what did you learn?

  22. What are you most proud of?

  23. Describe the best class you've taken.

  24. What do you plan to do with your JD degree?

  25. Describe an academic or professional failure, and what did you learn?

  26. What are you most passionate about other outside school or work?

  27. If you could go anywhere in the world for free, where and why?

  28. A time you helped someone else accomplish their goal?

  29. Describe an ideal law school

  30. If you could be any superhero, who would it be and why?



  Why UMN?








Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Harvard University
The College of Law