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煮熟的鸭子飞了? 加州大学欧文分校取消500多名学生的录取

2018年01月30日 15:32 4135人浏览




Dear Prospective Anteater:

亲爱的食蚁兽们(食蚁兽为 UCI 的吉祥物,泛指该校的学生)

You recently received a letter from our admissions team regarding your status at the University of California, Irvine. I understand that the notification may have been disappointing and frightening, so I wanted to take a moment to explain our decision-making process, help you respond, and acknowledge our missteps.


This year, UCI experienced unprecedented demand from students eager to join the Anteater family. We received more than104, 000 applications – more than all but two colleges nationwide – and the number of students intending to register for fall classes was higher than expected. You are to be once again congratulated for your acceptance into one of the world ’ s premier universities.

今年,UCI 收到的申请人数创历史新高,学生们加入食蚁兽大家庭的热情空前高涨。我们共收到超过 10 万 4000 份的申请-仅仅少于全国范围内两所大学的数量,而打算登记秋季课程的学生人数也比预期要高。再次祝贺你被世界顶级之一的大学录取。

Acceptances into all University of California campuses is provisional, contingent on meeting the contractual terms and conditions that were clearly outlined in your original admissions offer. This includes submitting all academic materials such as transcripts and test scores by the agreed-upon deadline, upholding strong academic performance throughout the senior year of high school that meets agreed upon thresholds, and having no discrepancies between the grades and courses you reported on your application and what we see once we review your official final transcript.


Every year, we notify students who are not in compliance with these terms and conditions. And, every year, there are students who did not comply for legitimate reasons. In some cases, the actions which result in an offer being rescinded occur through no fault of the student. Perhaps their high school didn ’ t process the transcript or a teacher submitted the wrong grade. For those cases, we have an appeal process outlined on our website ( http://www.admissions.uci.edu/apply/faq/appeals.php ) . If you believe that you received a withdrawal notification in error, or you have legitimate reasons for not complying with the acceptance agreement, I urge you to appeal. For those of you who already submitted an appeal, we are reviewing them as quickly as possible and we thank you for your patience as we work through the files we are reviewing.


有时候学生被退学并非自身的原因,可能是高中学校未能寄送成绩单或老师提交了错误的成绩。如果是这样的情况,我们的网站上有上诉流程 ( http://www.admissions.uci.edu/apply/faq/appeals.php ) 。如果学生认为收到的通知有误,或学生有未能遵守规定的合理理由,都可以上诉。对于那些已经上诉的学生,我们在以最快的速度进行审理并且感谢你们在此期间的耐心等待。

We heard from some students that this year ’ s process was too stringent and our customer-service approach needs improvement. I acknowledge that we took a harder line on the terms and condition this year and we could have managed that process with greater care, sensitivity, and clarity about available options. Also contributing to the angst many of you have experienced is our traditional communication and outdated telephone systems that did not serve us well in this circumstance. For those who felt ignored or mistreated, I sincerely apologize.


We are making every effort to do better, immediately. I have directed the admissions team to step up the personal outreach to notified students. We ’ re bringing in more people to review appeals and answer phones. We are committed to correcting any errors swiftly and providing the help you need in an empathetic and understanding way.


In closing, there is one point that I want to make clear: All accepted students who meet the terms and conditions of the admissions offer will be welcomed into the Anteater Family. No acceptance will be withdrawn due to over-enrollment, despite external reports to the contrary.


We are dedicated to providing outstanding educational opportunities to as many qualified students as possible, and strive to ensure Anteaters have a successful and positive experience on campus and in the classroom.




Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D

Vice Chancellor Student Affairs

University of California Irvine

Irvine, California. 92697









可能不少人拿到Acceptance letter后都是喜出望外,没有注意到在信的末尾一般都会有类似这样的话语:The acceptance is conditional upon the successful completion of thefinal year of high school. It is our expectation that you remain fully engagedin your studies and other pursuits for the remainder of your secondary schoolcareer. (录取是基于你能成功完成高中最后一学年成绩的条件之上的。我们期望你能在余下的时间里继续全身心投入学业和努力当中。)












如果在给大学提交了Mid-Year Report(MYR,中期成绩报告即高三第一学期成绩)后,大学给你发了warning(警告)邮件,不要慌,至少没有被直接取消录取,应该立即回复大学解释为什么会出现成绩下滑的情况,并表达你会继续努力的决心——当然表达了决心后,要真的有改变,成绩有提高。


