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告别合唱团的最后一次聚会 哈佛成功ESSAY赏析

2017年08月18日 14:50 3878人浏览









这篇ESSAY写的非常出色,招生官直接从文章中抓住了重要信息:真诚的激情。申请者一定要切记一点,不要写自己不敢兴趣的话题,因为,如果你不是百分之百对它有足够的了解和认识,相信无论如何都不可能写出让人感动的作品,如:“I went to a foreign country for a week on a school trip and discovered an unbridled passion for global health.”但,显然作者非常非常喜欢合唱团表演,从字里行间就能深刻感觉到。

作者描写了合唱团表演对自己人生的影响。“something inside [her] banged to life”这句就可以清晰的看出来,因为那个时候她还是个8岁的孩子。这个故事不仅仅是为了取悦招生官,更重要的是为了分享给更多的同伴。作者的感情是真的,她在告诉读者倾注于合唱团表演的激情。

“she does not get any more circles”在文章结尾处的一句作者的心理描写,准确的把握住了人物的心理,奠定了文章的感情基调:悲伤、困惑。如果作者转换一下角度,期待将这种热情投入到其他方面并且能够更好的驾驭未来的生活,相信这种积极乐观的结尾会更加合适。但是,像这样真诚坦率的描写,相比那些虚伪的ESSAY更能让招生官信服,因此,在写ESSAY的时候,切忌不要冒险。



My butt is flattening on the cold linoleum floor, and I don’t care. In fact, no one in the entire circle of fifty-six people cares an ounce that we’ve been sitting here for over an hour and a half. Most of us are seniors, and we want to suck every last moment from our final circle together.

The giant circle is a Retreat tradition. Every year on the first night of our three-day choreography weekend, we gather around a gigantic ball of rainbow-dyed yarn and every single person gets the chance to reveal what show choir means to him. The magic, though, is in the yarn. It starts out with a senior who says her piece and then throws the ball across the circle, holding on to the end. The next person makes his speech and then throws it again, keeping a loop around his finger. Then the next person speaks and throws the yarn, then the next, then the next—and soon boys are admitting they were intimidated by the beautiful sound and spectacular choreography of the Amazing Technicolor Show Choir, girls are crying over how show choir helped them find God or say good-bye to college-bound siblings, and a beautiful web has developed in the middle of the circle.

There are strands (电线)of all different lengths and color combinations, some lying uncomplicated on top of the web and some interlaced with innumerable others. You tug on your loop of yarn and you can see a person across the way respond. You lift your loop high and the rest of the group lifts with you. That’s the way it is in our show choir. You ask for help and the person across the way responds. Something wonderful happens and the rest of the group shares it with you.

Looking at the web framing the linoleum reminds me of my very first show choir experience. An eight-year-old version of me sat on a floor very similar to this one and gaped at the middle-school show choir’s two-part harmony and dazzling jazz squares. I still don’t know what it was, but something inside me banged into life. For the rest of elementary school I knew that as soon as I made it to seventh grade I was going to be up there with my jazz hands and my thousand-watt smile, inspiring other eight-year-olds.

When the ball comes to me, I tell that story. And I tell everyone that in my sixth and final year on show choir I am just as excited as I was watching them nine years ago. Tears start to make the circle swim in my eyes because it would be impossible to relate the full depth of my feelings in any words that I know. As a freshman, I came into the school socially unsure and was immediately enveloped into this choir universe, and now as a senior crying over the memory, I am enveloped in an embrace.

I dry my eyes and pass on the yarn, clutching my very own piece of my very last web. When the last person has had his turn, our choir director comes around and snips every loop down the middle. We all hold on to the halves in our right hands, drop our lefts, and leave the circle with a part of the line that tied us all together for two hours on a Friday night into a Saturday morning. I use mine to reach back to the circle, to remind me that for an evening I wasn’t the only one caring too much about something as fleeting as show choir. I use it to remember, because I don’t get any more circles.


This essay is well written and exemplifies one of the most important qualities that admissions officers look for in applicants: convincing passion. Students should be wary of writing about topics they are not truly passionate about, as it is easy to spot insincerity in cases like, “I went to a foreign country for a week on a school trip and discovered an unbridled passion for global health.” But in this case, the writer clearly loves show choir, and it shines through in her piece.

The author’s story about the giant circle showcases the impact show choir has had on her life. She demonstrates her lifelong devotion to show choir when she describes how “something inside [her] banged to life” when she first experienced it as an eight-year-old. This isn’t just a story she is telling to impress the admissions officers, but one she has also shared with the other members of her show choir. The writer’s emotions are genuine, and they show the reader how passionately devoted she can be to an activity she loves.

While her conclusion—in which she writes that she saved the yarn because “she does not get any more circles”—conveys the depth of her feelings for show choir, it makes the essay end on a sad and confusing note. A more optimistic ending about looking forward to putting her heart into other endeavors and deriving the same sort of life-altering experience from future pursuits would seem more appropriate, but if this is not the case, then it is always better to be honest and candid. While a disingenuous essay may slip by the admissions officer, it is not a risk worth taking.

—Ravi Mulani

参考资料:50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition
