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2019年05月07日 16:22 3637人浏览

  法学作为留学申请的热门,每年都吸引了很多同学的关注。斯坦福法学院(Stanford Law School)是一所自1893年起在美国加州斯坦福创设的法学院,附属于斯坦福大学。坐落于美国加利福尼亚州斯坦福市,是一所享誉世界顶尖的私立研究型大学。下面就和智课选校帝一起看看吧。

  Stanford Law School (“SLS”)


  秋季入学的LLM项目申请起止时间:9.15-12.4(11:59 p.m. 太平洋标准时间)



  1. Application Fee: US$ 125

  2. Resume or Curriculum Vitae: 1-2页

  3. Personal Statement


  (b)主题:Applicant’s experience in legal practice,and interest in graduate study (in the applicable specialization). This statement should also discuss the applicant’s professional goals, and how the completion of an LLM degree could benefit his or her legal career.

  4.Letters of Recommendation:SLS建议申请者提交至少2份推荐信。一份反映申请者的法律相关的工作表现(实务或学术),另一份反映申请者的学术能力。至少有一份推荐信应反映申请者的英语水平。

  5.Official Transcripts:All courses taken and marks earned, and receipt of any degree from each university and any institution of higher education at which the applicant has been in residence for one year or more.

  6. TOEFL


  (b)TOEFL成绩寄送相关信息:LSAC Institution code:8395

  7.English Language Study:SLS为建议或要求部分申请者在正式开学前参加为期6周的英语培训。

  8.Practical Experience:除某些特殊情况,SLS要求申请者具有至少2年以上的法律从业经历。

