
开设学位 BS、M.S.、Ph.D.
典型职业及薪水 环境工程师:$83,340
高中课程准备 理科
所属专业领域 工科
相关排名 2015USNEWS环境工程排名

环境工程(Environmental Engineering)为应用科学与工程之方法来改善环境(包括空气、水、土地资源),进而为人类之居住以及其他生物体提供对健康有益的水、空气以及土壤,亦包括污染场址之复育。我们可经由教育大众、保护环境、订立规定以及应用良好工程实作(Good Engineering Practice)来减轻与控制对环境的负面影响。




健康及风险管理 Health Effects and Risk Management
环境毒理学 Environmental Toxicology
生物统计学 Biostatistics
污染治理 Pollution Prevention
污水处理设计 Water and Wastewater Plant Design
有害物质管理 Hazardous Materials Management
种群生物学 Biology of Populations
寄生虫 Parasites
水污染 Water Contaminants
环境生物学 Environmental Biology
流体力学 Fluid Mechanics
水文学 Hydrology
空气污染监控 Air Pollution Control
演算环境工程进程 Calculus Environmental Engineering Processes




州名 就业人数 薪水/h 薪水/年
加州 3060 $24.54 $51,040
德克萨斯州 2510 $19.19 $39,920
佛罗里达州 1900 $17.63 $36,670
纽约 1810 $21.54 $44,800
宾夕法尼亚州 1330 $20.24 $42,110
阿拉斯加州 230 $20.32 $42,270
西弗吉尼亚州 420 $17.06 $35,490
怀俄明州 160 $20.79 $43,250
哥伦比亚特区 320 $16.81 $34,960
特拉华州 180 $16.37 $34,040
伊利诺伊州 870 $29.05 $60,420
内华达州 370 $27.65 $57,510
马里兰州 600 $26.70 $55,530
华盛顿 1160 $26.06 $54,210
罗德岛 40 $25.65 $53,360








“这门专业可以充分调动思考能力与创新能力。通常一项看似无法超越的工程,完结时往往很爽。”——UC Berkely土木与环境工程专业大三学生Cindy

Are You Ready To...?

  • Complete a senior design project in an area of interest
  • Take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam
  • Spend hours solving problem sets
  • Get real-world experience by completing an internship
  • Join a student engineering organization, such as the American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Conduct research in the field or the lab
  • Work outdoors and in
  • Travel to job sites
  • Write reports
  • Keep up with new regulations and technology
  • Research solutions to problems like acid rain or global warming
  • Possibly decide the degree of danger of certain hazardous waste
  • Perhaps design ways to treat wastewater

It Helps To Be...

  • A nature lover who’s a fan of math and science and can solve problems in a creative way. You may need to work with others who don’t always agree with you, so it helps to be calm but persuasive.
  • Passionate about the environment. You should enjoy science and math, like solving problems, and have an eye for detail. Someone who is comfortable working as part of a team and who has good speaking and writing skills should do well in this field.


生物化学 Biochemistry
生物学 Biology
化学工程 Chemical Engineering
化学 Chemistry
生态学 Ecology
环境科学 Environmental Science
地质工程 Geological Engineering
地质学 Geology
材料工程 Mineral Engineering
自然资源保护 Natural Resources Conservation
海洋工程 Ocean Engineering
植物病理学 Plant Pathology
公共卫生 Public Health
可持续资源管理 Sustainable Resource Management
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