
室内设计(Interior Design)
常见学位 BFA、MFA
典型职业及薪水 室内设计师:$54,200
高中课程准备 文科、理科
所属专业领域 艺术与人文科学

室内设计(Interior design),是一种以居住在该空间的人为对象所从事的设计专业,需要工程技术上的知识,也需要艺术上的理论和技能,泛指对室内建立的任何相关物件,包括:墙、窗户、窗帘、门、表面处理、材质、灯光、空调、水电、环境控制系统、视听设备、家具与装饰品的规画。室内设计是从建筑设计中的装饰部分演变出来的。他是对建筑物内部环境的再创造。室内设计可以分为公共空间和居家两大类别。当我们提到室内设计时,会提到的还有动线、空间、色彩、照明、功能等等相关的重要术语。



按设计内容分:有室内结构设计、室内物理设计(声学设计、光学设计、热学设计、色彩设计、能源设计)、室内设备设计(室内给排水设计、 室内供暖、通风、空调设计、电气、通讯设计)等。


基础设计原理 Basic Design Principles
三维设计 Three-dimensional Design
建筑制图 Architectural Drafting
纺织品设计 Textiles Design
艺术史 Art History
计算机辅助设计与绘图 Computer-aided Drafting and Design
工业设计 Industrial Design
建筑史 History of Architecture
室内制图 Interior Drawing
室内照明 Interior Lighting
建筑史 History of Architecture
建筑施工规范 Building Construction and Codes
高级住宅设计 Advanced Residential Design



州名 就业人数 薪水/h 薪水/年
加州 6540 $28.89 $60,100
德克萨斯州 3140 $24.07 $50,060
纽约 3090 $30.69 $63,830
佛罗里达州 2930 $21.89 $45,530
佐治亚州 1620 $22.50 $46,810
哥伦比亚特区 550 $32.13 $66.830
康涅狄格州 920 $30.75 $63,960
科罗拉多州 990 $25.91 $53,890
马里兰 1050 $23.17 $48,180
罗德岛 90 $31.70 $65,930
麻省 1120 $31.10 $64,490







“Design is such a wonderful process of discovery that it never ceases to be interesting.”

Janine King, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Interior Design, University of Florida


Are You Ready To...?

  • Research design styles and materials
  • Estimate costs
  • Satisfy each client's sense of style and taste
  • Use computers to create floor plans and perspective drawings
  • Choose paint colors
  • Collect fabric swatches
  • Spend long hours in the studio and computer lab
  • Build drawing skills
  • Use computers to create floor plans and perspective drawings
  • Select lighting fixtures
  • Choose floor and wall coverings
  • Design window treatments
  • Choose and design furnishings and upholstery
  • Collect fabric swatches and samples of other materials

It Helps To Be...

  • Creative, flexible, and good with people. You'll need to work within a budget and satisfy your clients' tastes. You may hate the idea of a three-hundred-gallon fish tank, but if your client wants it, you'll have to fit it into your design.
  • Artistic, creative, and good with all kinds of people, including clients, contractors, electricians, and carpenters.


建筑史 Architectural History
建筑学 Architecture
艺术学 Art
艺术史 Art History
陶瓷学 Ceramics
绘画 Drawing
工业设计 Industrial Design
室内建筑 Interior Architecture
园林景观建筑 Landscape Architecture
造船学 Naval Architecture
雕塑 Sculpture
城市发展研究 Urban Studies
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